Milo with Vanilla Ice-Cream - Reisverslag uit Hamilton, Nieuw Zeeland van Timon Krause - Milo with Vanilla Ice-Cream - Reisverslag uit Hamilton, Nieuw Zeeland van Timon Krause -

Milo with Vanilla Ice-Cream

Door: timonkrause

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Timon

20 Maart 2011 | Nieuw Zeeland, Hamilton

Hey there!

How are you?

I'm pretty good, a bit stressed as well. But it's already better since I just had a Milo ( hot chocolate ) with vanilla ice-cream, it tastes so good :D ! Just mentioning.

The weather here is getting worse, to me that's better. As you might have noticed I like winter better than summer. Since it's getting colder I did a bit of a winter-shopping. Well, I didn't buy anything (yet) but I found some nice winter clothes to keep me warm. First I gotta sell my saxophone (I got two) to get some money in :P.

Today I practiced my Drama-Text (I'm doing a monolog from 'Die Raeuber' , my teacher asked me to do a German piece), studied for maths with Rory and went to the Magic Circle. Rory and I also went and had some ice-cream from Gelatopia, that's where Danae works.
Tonight I went to the Magic Circle, it was really good as always. Our theme was 'Magic with house hold items' , I did some stuff with a coin and a pen. We also had a speaker there, he talked about magic 70 years ago.

What have I done in the last...two weeks? It was at Alex's birthday on the 13th of March. I gave him a magic-manuscript for his birthday. We had a celebration with a few friends, it was really good :). Not one of those over-crowded- alcoholised big parties, but rather a small personal party with only a few guests. I liked it.

From Wednesday to Friday I went on a KayakCamp with APE. It was pretty good. Yeah, it indeed is so much fun when the waves broke right into one's face :P. I got a sunburn and when I came back on Friday I was absoloutely exhausted, but it was worth it. We did Surf-Kayaking, which is catching the waves and riding them. Therefore one first needs to get behind the waves. On Thursday it was bloody hard - according to one of our teachers, Mr. Barry, it was the hardest he ever had seen. Our other teacher, Mr Richardson, said so too.

We also did some SLS - Surf Life Saving - stuff and learned how to rescue people, how to re-animate them, to spot danger, to talk with walkie-talkies in the correct way (after finishing a conversation you just say 'out' - not 'over and out' ! 'Over and out' is only said by captains when their ship is sinking or so :D ), signals from the shore and from the ship, different knots...Mr. Richardson said I was very good at the signals and that this maybe was because my parents are sailors ;D.

I needed a wetsuit for my KayakCamp so I went and borrowed one from Ben Sanders, the guy who took me speer-fishing a few months ago. Since I didn't know where he lived anymore I went to visit Jim and Heather and asked them where he lived. When I came along they had visitors. Guess who it was? It was an ex-exchangee they hosted several years ago, she came to visit them! That's pretty awesome. Her name is Bonny, but I'm not sure where she's from at the moment.

Tomorrow I will be performing my piece for Drama and we'll have a maths-test. I should be able to pass, but to be sure -wish me good luck !
We are using 'Graphics Calculators' and they are bloody confusing.

Oh, talking about school. Could someone from my school in Germany - Kapu - tell me how you're going about the subject-choices? When are you choosing? What's the system like? Since I need to choose my subjects, too, I need to know this stuff as soon as possible please! If it doesn't fit into a comment here please email me at !

Of course I also heard about the Earthquake, Flood and Atom-Reactor-accident in Japan. I hope they will recover soon and not get into more trouble! One of our outbounds from the Netherlands, Enzio, went to Japan and now got sent back home because of the situation for his own safety. If everything goes well he'll be able to return to Japan in April.

Don't forget about Parhams blog, it's either or - that's what I think at least ;D.

I guess that'll be it for tonight, I'm going to bed now to be well-rested tomorrow morning.

Goodnight & see you soon!

From New Zealand,


  • 20 Maart 2011 - 19:51


    Good luck with maths then!

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